What is a Microchip?

The Importance of Microchips and Microchip Certificates for Pet Relocation



Welcome to Jet Pets, where we prioritize the safety and security of your beloved furry companions during the relocation process. When it comes to transporting pets across borders, one vital requirement is ensuring that they have a microchip and accompanying microchip certificate. In this article, we will explore the significance of microchips and microchip certificates and why they are essential for pet relocation.

What is a Microchip and Microchip Certificate?

A microchip is a small electronic device, roughly the size of a grain of rice, that is implanted under your pet’s skin, typically between the shoulder blades. Each microchip carries a unique identification number that can be scanned by a microchip reader. The microchip certificate is an official document that contains essential information about your pet, including their microchip number, your contact details.

Why are Microchips and Microchip Certificates Required for Pet Relocation?

  1.  Identification and Proof of Ownership: Microchips serve as a reliable method of identification for your pet. During the relocation process, it is crucial to establish the ownership of the animal and ensure they are correctly matched with their respective owners. Microchips provide a permanent form of identification that cannot be easily altered or lost, unlike collars or tags. The microchip certificate serves as official proof of ownership, allowing authorities and transportation providers to verify the relationship between you and your pet.
  2.  Compliance with Import and Export Regulations: Many countries have strict regulations in place for pet import and export, and microchipping is a mandatory requirement. The microchip provides a unique identification number linked to your pet’s details, ensuring accurate identification and compliance with specific import/export regulations. Failure to meet these requirements may result in entry permits being denied or delayed. By microchipping your pet and having a valid microchip certificate, you demonstrate compliance and facilitate a smooth and hassle-free pet relocation.
  3.  Lost Pet Recovery: Pets can sometimes become lost or separated from their owners during travel or relocation. Microchips significantly increase the chances of a lost pet being reunited with their family. Animal shelters, veterinarians, and authorities can easily scan a found pet for a microchip and retrieve the owner’s contact information from the microchip database. This process greatly enhances the likelihood of a successful reunion, bringing peace of mind to pet owners during the relocation journey.
  4.  Emergency Medical Care: In case of a medical emergency or accident during the relocation process, a microchip can help medical professionals quickly identify your pet and access important health information. This enables them to provide appropriate and timely care, ensuring the well-being of your pet while they are away from home.


Microchips and microchip certificates play a vital role in pet relocation, ensuring identification, security, and peace of mind for both owners and their beloved companions. By microchipping your pet and obtaining a valid microchip certificate, you comply with import and export regulations, provide a reliable form of identification, and increase the chances of a lost pet being safely reunited. At Jet Pets, we understand the significance of microchips in the relocation process, and our dedicated team is here to guide you through the necessary steps to ensure your pet’s microchip and certificate are in order. Rest assured that the safety and security of your furry friend are our top priorities as we help them embark on a secure and worry-free journey to their new home.